Proj 1 final deadline after one week. Presentation 8 mins for each group.
Starwar map used. Size 15, R, N unchanged. Max happiness: 36,750. Random seed: 1,316,624,910,655
Question: statice creature on board.
G2: 17350. Lots of divers come back to boat early. Danger avoidance stategy can be improved to avoid penalty, especially in early game.
G9: -101600. take 1 hour to explore. ingore and step over dangers in early game based on map danger evaluation. then divers cluster and stay close to corner and edge. Confidence transmitted in messaging. All divers back.
C&Q: How is message from others change the behavior? (message value decay along time).
G8: 34450. spend 7 mins for planning and avoid dangers at beginning. using isnorkle. After seen everying, divers back to boat.
G7: 17,550. Same as G8 in early game. Try to keep a spiral track and avoid danger at the same time result in some clustered divers. Go around a danger then try to go back to the closest point on the spiral. All divers back to boat. But losing points on the way back.
C&Q: what if the danger is too dense for the divers to keep track on spiral. will it result in stuck at local minimum? (suggestion from other group: set time out limit. if wait too long, just random walk.)
G6: -85,450. Jump into the sea right away. But not avoiding danger enough. Hurt and followed by some really dangerous creature. All back to boats at 5h, but returned to the sea again. All back finally.
C&Q: cases that back to boat and come out again may benefit.
G5: -136,750. no avoiding danger due to heapmap bug. all divers back to boat though.
G4: have bug :(
G3: -120,550. Try to merge two strategy. Points not explored yet or place others suggest to go. Not appearing to avoid danger. Divres do not go back to boat.
Deliverables 4: next Monday. Last deliverables.
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