Monday, September 19, 2011

Lecture 3 - Sep. 19

G2 demo: all divers step south by one step and stay given that they have seen all the species. OutOfMemory error in later stage. Diagonal moving strategy.
C&Q: why all divers head to the same direction? more randomness needed? whether diagonal moving is a good way or actually a limitation, especially given the truth that it takes longer to move diagonally.

G3 demo: good inner and outer circle. half of the divers not back to the boat. the radius is determinded by the dimension.
C&Q: more circles.

G4: avoidance of the mines. some divers see the treasure. but iSnorkle is not implemeted yet to let others know. show a little confusion when exploring for the treature.
C&Q: strategy effect is map dependent. randomness gives good covering. but maybe only suitable for relatively small map. better random scattering by keep record of visited place. can it work with moving dangerous creatures? (Yes if estimating the probability of creature moving directions).

G6: Preset path. then switch path to avoid the danger when encounter. Danger avoidance results in group splitting. divers might be tracked by the dangers. 4 of the divers not back to boat.
C&Q: more efficient way than back tracking when switching? Walk along the edge is not efficient for information collection by seeing only one side. Is not coming back really a choice? (Ken's bias is to enforce coming back to the boat. You voted for disqualification)

G7: good two spirals and divers switching. Has some danger avoidance strategy, but don't have time to show in class.

G8: Stay in boat for 2mins for planning. Good work on danger avoidance. not using iSnorkle.
C&Q: Strategies could be strengthened benefitting from iSnorkling. What if the dangers are really dense? how to balance the need of danger avoidance and the enforcement of getting back to the boat in late game?

G9: Try to use spiral strategies. But haven't been able to give each diver a different spirals.
C&Q: Grouping up divers and send group message with more bits per message.

(It seems that I confused the comments between G4 and G5 by mixing them together or missing one of them. Sorry guys :| )

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that the first one to demo is not G2.. You also mixed G2 and G3 probably..
